Gibraltar, A Walk with Disturbance (Gibraltar, en promenad med störningar)

Walking tour for A Zeal for Curing (Botandets iver), Gothenburg 2017

The project Gibraltar: A Walk with Disturbance was carried out 8-10 June 2017 as a discrete part of the collaborative art project and bus tour A Zeal for Curing, A Walk with Disturbance is inspired by the format of the guided city tour. The tour takes place at the site of the former Gothenburg workhouse Gibraltar (1888-1939) located in Johanneberg, Gothenburg (today Chalmers School of Technology and Chalmers campus Vasa).

The scripted walk is both an account of the poor relief system during the period of classical liberalism, as well as a speculative fiction informed by historical records of inpatients admitted to the ward for the "bodily ill" at the workhouse. The individual stories of the female inmates are interspersed with contemporary, auto-ethnographic writings, e.g. the artist´s own experience of occupational therapy. 

​Within the scope of the 90 minute walk, the position of the relief receiver of the turn of the century 1800/1900 is scrutinized concurrent with a close reading of femininely coded diagnoses. The tour explores the clinical notion of ‘hysteria’ and its related nervous disorders, diagnoses predominantly assigned to people from the lower and working classes as well as people otherwise undesired in the cityscape. While the tour duly acknowledges forms of control in play in the classical liberal era, the aim of the project is not to prompt in the audience a critical distance between the past and the present but, rather, to turn the gaze towards the relations of power and means of production in contemporary labour society imbued with principles of New Liberal Management. 


Ward 102/Avd. 102


May and the Potentiality of Pain