Ward 102/Avd. 102

Poster installation curated for The Door-The Visionary Void, 2022

“Ward 102” is an excerpt and a scene from the script for “Ode to Vulnerability”, a performance lecture presented at the Museum of Medical History at Ulleråker in Uppsala, forming a part of the public art project “A Zeal for Curing” in 2022.

Ward 102 is an adaptation for the exhibition space The Door - The Visionary Void, belonging to Vague Research Studios at Vänmötet 3, Gothenburg, Sweden. The site is passed daily by residents, craftsmen, dog owners, and many more passing to and from tram, school and pre-school. A small exhibition space that is accessible to a local audience at all hours, and all days of the week.


Ode to Vulnerability/Lovtal till sårbarheten


Gibraltar, A Walk with Disturbance/Gibraltar, en promenad med störningar